A HUGE MISTAKE USA weightlifting would like you to forget
This video shows Casey making 223 kg in the jerk to win overall silver and clean & jerk gold at the 2007 Pan Am Games held in Brazil. He...
Debunking Strength Coaching Myths About Weightlifting
Myth #1 We don’t need weightlifting movements to increase athleticism Producing maximum force in minimal time & the ability to switch...
Technique moves the bar
I'll begin tackling this issue with a Question. Can Lasha Talakhadze snatch 223 kg officially (225 in training) on the basis of strength...
3 Important Training Principles
Don't Train Through Pain Specifically acute joint or muscle pain. It’s not tough or savage, it’s just stupid. General preparation to...
Persev erance : persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Over 4 and a half years ago S tewart...
The Implementation of Pulls in Weightlifting
In managing the training of beginner and intermediate weightlifters the most commonly used exercises for the development of strength and...
Guidelines for Competition Preparation
When preparing for a competition, every kilo in training must be done with the aim to increase the competition total. In other words,...
A Practical Squat Routine *Revisited*
There is a lot of information available online and on social media regarding the role of squats in the training of weightlifters. Much of...
A snatch training session for an advanced weightlifter
I have written a lot about how to develop beginners in weightlifting. I will now provide a snatch workout for an advanced lifter who has...